Jun 2, 2019
Tarot For Your Self: 19 Tips for Reading Tarot PLUS The Life of Tarot Illustrator Pamela Coleman Smith with Mary K. Greer
Tarot is 78 cards that were originally designed as a card game. In the late 18th century the cards were used for fortune-telling. 56 playing cards plus a set of 21 trump cards (that in the card games could trump any other suit) plus the Fool Card for a total of 78 cards.
By studying Tarot you can learn so much about psychology, history, science, mathematics, art, literature, symbolism. It’s endless what you can learn through the Tarot.
There are many myths or misconceptions about Tarot, including where the Tarot came from. What can be proven is that the Major Arcana (trump cards) were added to a previous set of playing cards between 1420-1440 in northern Italy.
Mary is co-author of the book Pamela Coleman Smith: The Untold Story. Pamela Coleman Smith was the illustrator for what is known today as the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. The deck was completed in 1909 and a new edition came out in 1910. This deck had scenic pictures on each of the minor arcana cards (rather than just symbols as in previous Tarot decks). Rider was the publisher, Waite was the conceptualizer of the deck.
Pamela Coleman Smith born in England (her parents were Americans). She was a storyteller of Jamaican folktales because she lived several years on Jamaica. She was also involved in literary theater of England in late 19th and early 20th century. She lived in England in much of her adult life. Her grave is unmarked.
Mary’s inspiration for writing Tarot For Your Self was inspired by journal writing. It is really a workbook that takes you through Tarot in a step-by-step manner that makes the cards come alive. You actually create a relationship with each Tarot card. It has remained popular for more than 30 years because it gives permission to explore Tarot in your own way and discover your own meanings for the cards. It’s also a very fun way to explore the Tarot that creates mini-mystical experiences along the way!
Description Technique for creating meaning from a Tarot card:
Story Technique for creating meaning from a Tarot card: Tell a made-up story of fairy tale (start with “Once upon a time . . .) and the card is the key illustration for the story. Make the story wild and crazy and make it spontaneous. If you are reading for your self, record yourself telling the story.
Develop Three Core Keywords for each Tarot card.
Work with the suit and number of the minor arcana: Identify what all the ‘3’ cards have in common and how the meaning is influenced by the suit of the Tarot card.
Compare and contrast between two cards. Note the similarities and differences.
Tips for reading reversed Tarot cards:
Tips for reading Court cards:
Reversed court cards are NOT bad or evil people.
Mary is surprised that Tarot has been so central to her life for over 50 years! There is infinite variation in its symbolism. There’s always something new to explore.
Mary teaches Tarot at the Omega Institute and has some recorded webinars at the Global Spiritual Studies. She is also a frequent presenter at regional Tarot conferences throughout the world.
Mary K. Greer: www.marykgreer.com
Instagram: @marykgreer
Facebook: facebook.com/mary.k.greer
Two of Mary’s books include
Pamela Coleman Smith: The Untold Story and
Tarot For Your Self (35th Anniversary Edition available
September 1, 2019) and
Tarot For Your Self (2nd edition available now)
Mary’s online courses can be found at Global
Spiritual Studies.
Host Dan Johnson’s websites: www.performancemastery.com
and www.vibrationalintelligence.com
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